
- Platform for innovation.

- To meet, discuss, and collaborate.

- Learning new things through sharing.

- Improving your skill with people.

- To spread passion and excitement.

- A lot of fun!

- Networking opportunity.

- Finding project team member

Event Highlights

Welcome speech by Dr Bradley Ho, Manager,

Center For Business Incubation and Entrepreneurial Ventures (CBIEV).

Ms Kenise Lee, Senior Assistant Registrar, Center For Business Incubation and

Entrepreneurial Ventures (CBIEV) is giving her presentation about CBIEV, iSpark.

Ms Kausalyah is introducing her iSpark project to the participants and at the

same time looking for enthusiastic member to be part of the team. 

 Mr Johnny Tan, lecturer, Faculty of Engineering and Technology,

is sharing his passion and experience on his entrepreneurial journey.