Up-Close and Personal Entrepreneurial Seminar Series

Up-Close and Personal Entrepreneurial Seminar Series

The "Up-Close and Personal Entrepreneurial Seminar Series," hosted throughout April and May 2024, offered an invaluable platform for aspiring entrepreneurs and business professionals to gain firsthand insights from industry leaders. Each session in the series was designed to encourage open dialogue and provide practical knowledge in a relaxed and interactive setting. The three-part series featured talks from distinguished speakers who shared their unique perspectives on building versatile career portfolios, the realities of angel investing, and personal experiences in the startup world. Below are reflections on each session, capturing the essence and key takeaways from the discussions that inspired and engaged all who attended. 

Reflecting on the First Session of the Up-Close and Personal Entrepreneurial Seminar Series

15 April 2024: "Why You Should Build a Career Portfolio" by Mr. Cheah Kok Hong

The inaugural session of our entrepreneurial seminar series kicked off with a compelling presentation by Mr. Cheah Kok Hong, Executive Chairman of SteerQuest and President of ESG Association Malaysia. Mr. Cheah challenged traditional career paths, advocating for a dynamic career portfolio approach. This forward-thinking strategy resonated with attendees, encouraging them to consider diverse experiences and roles to adapt to the evolving business landscape. The discussion that followed was rich with insights, leaving participants inspired to rethink their career strategies.

Reflecting on the Second Session of the Up-Close and Personal Entrepreneurial Seminar Series

29 April 2024: "Angel Investment Overview - The Reality and the Myth" by Adjunct Prof. Rina Neoh

Our second session, led by the seasoned angel investor and entrepreneurial mentor, Adjunct Prof. Rina Neoh, demystified the complex world of angel investing. Prof. Neoh, Managing Partner of Ficus Capital, shared her experiences and the realities behind common myths associated with angel investments. Her firsthand accounts and practical advice offered a realistic view of what it takes to succeed in angel investing, making it a highly informative session for aspiring entrepreneurs and investors alike.

Reflecting on the Third Session of the Up-Close and Personal Entrepreneurial Seminar Series

6 May 2024: "My Startup Experience" by Dr. Lim Yee Mei

The series concluded with an insightful talk by Dr. Lim Yee Mei, CEO of OMIS Consulting and a key figure in the National Digital Economy and The Fourth Industrial Revolution Council. Dr. Lim shared her personal journey through the startup ecosystem, discussing both the challenges and triumphs of founding and running a tech company. Her story was a testament to the resilience required in entrepreneurship and sparked meaningful conversations among participants about the realities of starting and sustaining a business in today's digital age.