CBIEV has always been determined to help growing ENTREPRENEURSHIP among students and academics to become ESG ENTREPRENEURS besides nurturing them to be potential startups through the iSpark INCUBATION programme in a systematic and sustainable fashion.
Secondly, CBIEV envisions to help researchers and students who are highly talented to undertake and participate in industry-academia CONSULTANCY and proof-of-concept industry-based projects. In this effort, the COMMERCIALIZATION activities bring alternative revenue streams to the University.
Lastly, commercializing researchers’ research outputs by transforming novel ideas or lab-based POC as INTELLECTUAL PROPERTIES.
The Centre for Business Incubation and Entrepreneurial Ventures (CBIEV) was established in June 2016 to provide support and resources to TAR UMT students, staff, alumni, and the public to accelerate the transformation of ideas into marketable innovations focusing on start-up companies.
The Center allows aspiring entrepreneurs to connect, share ideas, learn, network, and build their businesses on campus.
It serves to assists budding entrepreneurs to develop their business ideas to commercialization through a one-stop center built around entrepreneurship ecosystems that promote innovation.
The Center aims to accelerate the transformation of ideas into marketable innovations. It focusses on business, digital and technology-based start-ups for the TAR UMT community with the support of the entrepreneur communities comprising of successful alumni, industry players, and mentors for cross disciplinary training and shared resources on campus.